Keeping Spammers at bay

By reuben, 3 February, 2006

Over the last few months the amount of spam I have been receiving has been increasing, so I thought I'd have a tidy up and try keep more of it out.  Fortunately Thunderbird/Spamassassin has been doing a really good job of classifying spam as spam, and putting it in my junk folder.

I've now removed most of my catch-all domains in Postfix, so now if mail comes in to an address which I have *not* specifically configured, it will be rejected at the SMTP layer.  This does not apply to addresses where I have suffixed a keyword after my name though - but a handful of those are now blocked too.

Also removed the contact to me at the bottom of each page.  Use the contact form if you need to send me email, or just send to username reuben (at this domain name).

And if your email mentions the word CIALIS or VIAGRA then you'll be rejected too.

Anyway, please let me know if you try to email me and it fails.
