About being a Dad

By reuben, 2 February, 2006

Someone asked me at the weekend what I thought about being a Dad.  I answered at the time that I did enjoy it.

But I was thinking about it today.  It's a big milestone, and it is something that I *really* do enjoy.  I hope that the person I was speaking to didn't think that I was apathetic about it.  I enjoy playing with my son, tipping him upside down, imitating his silly sentences and words, taking him out to look at the diggers working on the road, and buying him books.  And I'm looking forward to him getting older, not least of all so that we can go out watching trains and other big machines together ;-)

It's also nice to be able to look at him and see a bit of myself in there wandering around on two legs.  Until you've experienced it, you don't appreciate it - then it becomes almost a surreal experience to know that there's a piece of you going forward to the future, to a world which I will only be alive to see the beginnings of.

I wonder what he will do with his life as he gets older.  Whatever it is, he's my son and I'll always be his Dad, and his best friend too.
